Steam Burn
27 year old female, burned on forearm with steam from a pressure cooker. First day of burn.
Two weeks post burnt.
Six weeks post burnt.
Acne treatment
Acne treatment before and after with meso therapy and facial creams.
Hand Metacarpal Joints
Fibrosis of proximal hand metacarpal joints of both hands.
First treatment
Second treatment
Final treatment
Teeth Whitening Before and After
Second and Third Degree Burns on Face
50 year old patient with second and third degree burns on face, neck, and shoulder with hot water.
24 hours after initial burn.
Two months after initial burn with intravenous treatment and facial creams.
Stuck with Thorn from a Bush
70 year old patient with history of getting stuck with thorn from a bush. The lesion developed a few months later. Incision and drainage and patient was placed on anti-fungal medication. Diagnosis was Sporotrichosis Schenckii
One week after incision and drainage.
Two weeks after of incision and drainage.
Four weeks after incision and drainage.
Cyst in Arm
50 year old patient with inclusion cyst in the right arm pit day of surgery.
Post operative surgery.
One week after surgery.